How to download Install BananaVPN into Amazon Fire stick?
1- What you need to do is make sure you are on the top bar on the screen and press right on the remote to scroll across to Settings then
Device then Developer Options
and then select Apps from Unknown Sources and turn it to
2- Once you have done the above its time to get cracking so what you want to do next is press the home button on the remote to go back to the Amazon home screen then press left on the remote to the little magnifier icon next to the word Home and press ok.
Quick Tip: You can hold the microphone button on the top of your remote and say “Downloader” and it should find the app for you
Now you want to use the search keyboard to type the word Downloader like below

Now press ok on the orange downloader app icon and you will then want to press ok where it says download and install and then the app will start downloading and installing and once complete you need to click on open to open the downloader app.

Once the downloader app has opened you need to type the following URL into it and then click on go.
Once it has finished installing press ok to open the BananaVPN app then you will see the same screen as this below

A- Use your email and the password that you have sign up with when you ordered the service and click login.
B- after you login click on the power button to connect and when you see it green. You are good to go and you are now fully secured by our awesome BananaVPN application.
You can now minimize the app and open whatever app you like to go to.
